Friday 20 June 2014

Why do I want to start my blog

The technical world is growing very fast with the contribution of millions of brilliants who are spending all their time in solving the problems of performance of the applications and scalability. Everyday there are many new solutions getting released in the market and some of them are becoming popular due to ease of use,scalability and publicity but some of them are fading out.

This is one side of the story.

There are many people in the same industry who are passionate to learn the new things but poor in information and direction and struggling just to create the object in a java program and trying to understand how a program works. 

The problem is there are people with different levels of understanding and people with different levels of experience.

There are people who are experts in Database but unaware of No SQL Databases because they are busy in working with Database only. There are people who are busy in working with Java but unaware of Spring and Hibernate which give them a better design and flexibility as well as scalability.

This is the other side of the story.

I feel that if we start sharing the knowledge and experience  and ideas to the world, It will be great contribution to those who are unaware of what I am doing but still interested to learn.

This is the reason for which I started my blog.

Lets see how it moves forward.